Renee Sanders


Renee  is a junior at Marta Valle High School. She partakes in multiple extracurricular activities:student government, student leadership, and tutoring.She has  strong, independent, original opinions.

Although she is only 16, Renee has college level courses in Psychology and Journalism. She may get distracted, but she can always find her way back to her path.


Love can be defined and expressed in many different ways.

Some involve public recognition with boldness while some are more modest more shy.

It can be found between homosexuals, heterosexuals, family, friends or even as the affection between a person and a place.

Love is a timeless and  judgeless beauty that everyone should experience.

Conquering any hurdle, battling any opponent, destroying any doubts, love is a fighter, love is a survivor

After being nurtured and being put in the right environment it can grow.

Not always physical, love is a little bit magical and usually unexpected.


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