Megan Laureno

meganlaurenoMegan Laureno is a sophomore at Curtis High School. She was born and raised on Staten Island where she currently lives. Megan is the oldest of her four siblings.

She enjoys photography, art, and graphic design. Megan always had an interest in photography and on her sixteenth  birthday, she received a DSLR camera from her parents. She admires photographers like Jacob Riis and aspires to improve the world through the art of photography.



My youngest sister, Angela Laureno, was diagnosed with a chronic disease known as Cystic Fibrosis as an infant. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that affects the lungs and pancreas. Angela has to use a nebulizer at least once a day to keep her airways open and more often when she is sick. She also needs to take pills known as Creon to digest her food.  As a young child, her need for Creon to digest her food restricts her from eating random snacks during the day, something the average person takes for granted. Her nebulizer treatment takes time out of her day in efforts to remain healthy.  As a five year old, she plays and acts like a healthy child, though it is hard to keep her healthy. Angela is a unique little girl who has faced many trying days as a small child.  Nonetheless She enjoys soccer, dressing up, and playing with her friends. With this series I wanted to look at how Angela deals with constant health issues, but still retains many of the characteristics of a typical child.

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