Sandy Trand

Sandy-HeadshotSandy Trand is a junior at School of the Future H.S. She was born and grew up in New York City. Interested in photography, she joined the Future Imagemakers program to further her skills. In addition to photography, she also enjoys reading, cooking, history, taking long walks and spending time with friends and family. She hopes to use the skills she has obtained from being apart of this program in the numerous possible careers she will hold. She currently resides in Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan.





In this series, I wanted to show the tentative relationship between a teenage American-born son and his immigrant mother. My brother embraces his American self and youth far more than my mom does or ever did, which as a result both confuses and sometimes infuriates her. Prior to photographing this series I never took time to notice the subtle nuances that differ the parent-son relationship of my friends and that of my family. I chose to remove my presence from the images I took because I felt that the relationship I have with my mother differs vastly than the one she has with my brother. By utilizing this viewpoint, I have hopefully captured the delicate moments in which my mom and brother clash and try to understand one another because at the end of the day, they love each other.

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