Kylie Mena is a 17 year old junior from Bergen County, New Jersey. She goes to Englewood Academies and is currently studying engineering. Additionally, she has a real love for art. She recently got into photography and quickly fell in love with it. She applied to the Future Image Makers program to further develop her skills and dive deeper into the photography world. She also loves painting, drawing, eating, sleeping, and playing with her dogs.
Going through puberty and finding one’s identity is never easy. This project was meant to try and explore the emotions and issues involved with puberty following my brother, Gabriel. Gabriel is now a freshman in high school and through this project the audience will get a taste of a world through Gabriel’s eyes. How he thinks, his interests, and what makes him Gabriel. With these photos I hope to connect to the audience by asking the question: “What makes you you? What has shaped you into the person you are today?”