Hi my name is Lateisha Freeman and I’m currently 17 years old. I attend the Urban Assembly School for Law and Justice. The day I joined The International Center of Photography was when I found out that photography is something that I truly want to pursue as a career. However, I always loved photography because at age 11 I got my first camera and I started taking a lot pictures of my friends and family. Through out this program I grew as a photographer because I got a chance to explore the wonderful art of self portraits.
My work usually display lots of movement, whether it’s a guy playing soccer, a cute little girl running, a biker doing tricks, or a skateboarder doing stunts. My inspiration comes from Richard Avedon and David la Chapelle because they are not afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone. I could relate to Avedon’s style because his work has a lot of movement just like mine. I could relate to David la Chapelle because his ideas are sometimes crazy and out of the ordinary, but that’s the main reason I do photography. Photography allows me to fully express myself without any limitations.
Thou Shalt Not Fear
Richard Avedon once said “shoot what you fear.” So that’s exactly what I did: I photographed fear. My greatest fear is failure. Each and everyday I find myself running away from it. I always give 120% of my effort so that I can reach the finish line of success. However, upon my completion of this project I learned that it’s okay to fail because failure is the key to success. Im not perfect but I’m okay with that because I’m perfect in my own what. I’ve learned through this project that as humans we should not continue to compare ourselves to others but we should be ourselves. Life is way too short to fear failure.