Community Programs

Expanding the Walls

Over the past four weeks, I have been working with high school students from the Studio Museum in Harlem Expanding the Walls (ETW) program. This amazing program is for students that come from all over the New York area. It is an opportunity that allows the students to learn digital photography over the course of 8 months. They also participate in a variety of activities that help to inform their final photographic project such as museum and gallery visits.

The program approached us at Photography and Imaging because they wanted to expand the experience with photography by learning analog photography before diving into digital. That’s where I come in. Expanding the Walls needed an analog aficionado.  I was up for the challenge. Starting in the beginning of February the students of ETW made the journey to the Photography & Imaging Department of NYU’s Tisch. During these weeks the students learned how to operate an analog camera, make compelling images, and enlarge their negatives in the darkroom.

I was so excited to introduce to these students my passion and it was a joy to see their engagement with the amazing art of photography. The workshop has come to an end, but I’m looking forward to working with these students until the end of the semester as they transition into digital. I hope to see the concepts they’ve learned to extend into their images as they work toward a final project.

To learn more about Expanding the Walls, check out their website.

  photocrati gallery


Class Plays a Greater Role in Success

Important must read article in the New York Times.

Poor Students Struggle as Class Plays a Greater Role in Success 


Teaching for the First Time

“I found that even with an exciting subject to teach (photography), it is not a simple thing to engage students, and that there has to be a well developed plan to hook them in on the first class.”


Interesting Article

Here’s an article written by a first time teacher that I enjoyed reading. It centers around his time spent in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. It’s not photography based, but it’s about his bond with his students based on Lil Wayne’s music. I like his perspective on student teacher relations and how he found a common ground through music.

I Will Forever Remain Faithful by David Ramsey

Hope everyone had a great break

Posted by Angelica Marshall