Category: Education
Teaching for the First Time
“I found that even with an exciting subject to teach (photography), it is not a simple thing to engage students, and that there has to be a well developed plan to hook them in on the first class.”
Migration Rights Project
Chrissie Orr’s Santa Fe Project on Migration, Rights
El Otro Lado is an unusual collaborative public art project by Chrissie Orr about migration, human rights, boundaries and a sense of home, underway in Santa Fe, N.M.T he intergenerational cross cultural participants are actively involved in developing symbolic maps/cartograms, visual representations and audio recordings of their stories, their journeys, their landmarks, their boundaries and their sense of place and home. An intensive series of workshops are underway with youth at Tierra Encantado Charter School, with additional workshops for families, women, children and individual community members. The workshops are specifically designed to provide a safe space for all to be able to share and express delicate stories and topics in relation to migration, journey and human rights. Community-based organizations, art institutions, educational entities and positive community mentors supported the design of the workshops. El Otro Lado provides the opportunity for a community-wide activation of the perennial and profound inquiry into, “Who am I?”
Mouse Squad
MOUSE is an innovative youth development organization that prepares students with essential technology and 21st century skills, empowering them to become the leaders of tomorrow.
Mouse Squad
MOUSE Squad is a school- or community organization-based, student run technical help desk. Students who work on the MOUSE Squad are called technicians and they are responsible for fixing, taking care of, and supporting all of the computer-related needs in their schools. As a MOUSE Squad technician, you are given a whole lot of responsibility and, in return, you are asked to act professionally as you troubleshoot computer problems, clean and maintain technical equipment, and support the teachers in their regular computer use. more
MOUSE Squad is a cost-effective solution to the problem of inadequate levels of on-site support in schools and the need to serve the 21st century educational and professional needs of students. Rather than looking outside the school community to create the basic level of computer troubleshooting and maintenance support needed to assist teachers in their work to integrate technology into teaching and learning, MOUSE Squad draws upon the motivation, skills, and abilities of any school’s greatest resources – its students.
MOUSE Squad provides middle, and high school students with opportunities to develop 21st century skills and apply them as they solve technical problems faced by their schools. The program, modeled on the type of help desks that have become standard in business and industry, prepares and supports participants in the creation and operation of a student-run, school-based, data-driven, technical support help desk.
Soliya is developing a global network of young adults and empowering them to bridge the divide between the “West” and the “Arab & Muslim World.”
Soliya is a pioneering non-profit organization using new technologies to facilitate dialogue between students from diverse backgrounds across the globe. Our flagship program, the Connect Program, uses the latest web-conferencing technology to bridge the gap between university students in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and the United States. In a time when media plays an increasingly powerful role in shaping peoples’ viewpoints on political issues, Soliya provides students with the opportunity, skills, and tools to shape and articulate their own viewpoints on some of the most pressing global issues facing their generation. more
watch this for an overview
Creativity in Schools
A humorous and thoughtful talk about how creativity is cultivated or suppressed in our current education system. Good to listen to if you’re doing mindless internship work, like stuffing envelopes.
While writing part of my assessment paper about urban vs. suburban community art programs, I came across Art IS Education, which is a community arts program specifically for Alameda County (where I went to elementary school). I also found Keep Arts in Schools, which seems to be a network of and resources for community art programs across the country. I hadn’t known about these before, but I think they look great.
– Sterling Yee
Drawing Resource
The Drawing Center is a great art space and resource in Soho. They have two gallery spaces as well as classes for ages k-12 that may be of interest to our students. The classes are free and include materials.
Drawing Center
Photo galleries I like
I found a couple of galleries that I thought had an interesting layout.
Visual Progression
This is a Wintessesque organization that a friend of mine started recently and is working in the realm of human rights and documentation (video).
OVP – the Organization for Visual Progression
— Brett Mayfield